NSRS - National Sports Repository System



This user manual provides an information on how an athlete can register himself/herself on National Sports Repository System (NSRS). It further enables Sports Training Center to enroll the registered athletes under them, so as to enable them to avail the benefits of Government.

with this user manual, the Athletes will be able to perform the following functions:

A step-by-step guide to register as Athlete is provided below:

Step 1: Open the web page: https://nsrs.kheloindia.gov.in/Login

Step 2: If the athlete is not registered, then need to click on tab Register Here , and the user will be directed to new page.

Step 3:The new page will appear as follows.

Select the Athlete TAB and Proceed further for registration page

Step 4: The registration first page will appear as :

Following details will be captured :

  1. First Name
  2. Middle Name
  3. Last Name
  4. Mother’s Name
  5. Mother’s Profession
  6. Father’s Name
  7. Father’s Profession
  8. Gender (Select Male or Female)
  9. Date of Birth (Select the date by clicking on year and month)
  10. Upload photograph (Max size 500KB in jpeg format)
  11. Communication Address :
    • Select one from the drop down C/o, D/o, S/o, W/o, H/o & G/o
    • Owners name, House number, Street , Landmark , Sector
    • c. Postal Code
    • d. Select state from the drop down list.
    • e. Select district from the dropdown list.
    • f. Sub-District, City.
  • 12. Checkbox option to select if Communication address is same as Permanent Address.
  • 13. Permanent Address :
    • a. Select one from the drop down C/o, D/o, S/o, W/o, H/o & G/o
    • b. Owners name, House number, Street , Landmark , Sector
    • c. Postal Code
    • d. Select state from the drop down list.
    • e. Select district from the dropdown list.
    • f. Sub-District , City.
  • 14. Enter mobile no. (comprise of 10 digits)
  • 15. Email id (in correct format eg- abc@gmail.com)
  • 16. Select sports from the drop-down (sports in which athlete is interested)
  • 17. Enter the kitting details (select from drop down list the size of track suit in centimetre, t-shirt and pant size in centimeter and shoe size)
  • 18. Set password which the user will use in future for login purpose. The password should be combination of at least one capital letter, small letter, special character and numbers. The password should be minimum of 8 characters
  • 19. Read the terms and condition and agree to the same by clicking on checking box
  • 20. To continue click on tab “save and continue” , or , If the user wish not to save the details entered, may click on the tab “clear form” and all the details will be deleted.

Step 5: If the details entered by the user is in correct format and the form is complete, the details will be saved and submitted and a pop-up with the unique KID no. and email id will appear. The pop-up will also have a message to complete the registration process.

The user will also receive a notifications on the mobile number and email id entered in the form stating that registration is successfully completed along with unique KID no.

Step 5: Post clicking on complete profile the system will direct the user to a new screen, where he/she need to enter following details:


  1. Select the institute type from drop down list
  2. Enter institute KID if known, the institute name will auto-populate if the KID of institute is correct
  3. Enter class/standard
  4. Enter the city
  5. Select the state from drop down list
  6. Select the board from drop down list
  7. Select medium of education from the drop-down list
  8. Select language known from drop down list and click on check box of read and write as per the knowledge of the language
  9. The user can enter the Federation’s unique no. if available
  10. The user can enter the additional education detail if he/she want to enter. The user need to click on tab “add more” and enter the institute name, class/standard, year of passing and remarks if any.

Photo Id Proof:

  1. The user needs to enter Aadhaar/Passport/Voter id/Any other Id proof for north east States details and also upload the supporting document. To upload the document, click on Upload tab browse the document and upload.
  2. Once the document is successfully uploaded (to see uploaded document) (to delete uploaded document) sign will appear in front of the Id proof uploaded
  3. Upload of at least one document is mandatory
  4. The file size should be less than 1 MB (file type - JPEG, JPG, PNG)

Date of Birth Proof:

  1. The user needs to enter Birth certificate/Matriculation Certificate/School Bonafide certificate details and also upload the supporting document. To upload the document, click on Upload, browse the document and upload.
  2. Once the document is successfully uploaded (to see uploaded document) (to delete uploaded document) sign will appear in front of the DoB proof uploaded.
  3. Upload of at least one document is mandatory
  4. The file size should be less than 1 MB (file type - JPEG, JPG, PNG)

Bank Account details:

  1. The user needs to enter bank account no., name of bank and IFSC code of the bank
  2. Upload the cancelled cheque, bank passbook. To upload the document, click on Upload Tab, browse the document and upload.
  3. Once the document is successfully uploaded (to see uploaded document) (to delete uploaded document) sign will appear in front of upload sign

Step 6: The user will get following options:

  1. Enter KID no. of training centre, if it’s known to the user and rest of the concerned information will auto-populate.
  2. Enter KID no. of coach, if it’s known to the user and rest of the concerned information will auto-populate.

Post user click on save and continue; the system will direct him/her to a new page

Step 7: The user needs to enter the following details:

  1. Enter KID no. of training centre, if it’s known to the user and rest of the concerned information will auto-populate.
  2. Enter KID no. of coach, if it’s known to the user and rest of the concerned information will auto-populate.

History of Sports:

  1. Click on tab “add more”, it will open a column to fill in following details:
    • Enter the Training centre KID no
    • System will auto-populate the name of the Training Centre
    • Enter coach KID no
    • System will auto-populate the name of the coach
    • Enter the duration for which the user was part of Training Centre and Coach
  2. For adding more history of sports, click on tab “add more”, it will open a column to fill in the details same as above

Details of achievement:

  1. Click on tab “add more”, it will open a column to fill in following details:
    • Select the category from the drop-down, in which the athlete has participated in the event
    • Select the level of competition from the drop-down
    • Select the name of the competition from the drop down
    • The system will auto-populate the duration and venue of the corresponding competition
    • Select the level represented
    • Select the event from the drop-down list
    • Select the position achieved in the event
    • Enter the result
  2. For adding more details of achievements, click on tab “add more”, it will open a column to fill in the details same as above

Athlete Ranking

  1. Click on tab “add more”, it will open a column to fill in following details:
    • Select the category from the drop-down, in which the athlete has participated in the event
    • Select the level of competition from the drop-down
    • Select the ranking of athlete from the drop-down
    • Enter the date of publishing ranking
  2. For adding more details of athlete ranking, click on tab “add more”, it will open a column to fill in the details same as above

Success story

The user needs to write the success story, if any

Upload action photos

  1. The user can upload his/her action photo, if any
  2. To upload the photos, click on Upload, browse the photo and upload.
  3. Once the photo is successfully uploaded sign will appear

Embed Action Video Link

  1. The user can embed his/her action video link, if any
  2. Copy paste the link in the space provided

Step 8:

  1. Submit – post clicking the tab “Submit” the profile will be saved and proceed to final page i.e. "Preview and Finish“
  2. Previous page- to go back to previous page, in this case the data entered on 3rd page will be lost

Step 9:Post clicking on submit, page is directed to final page i.e. Preview and Finish

  1. User able to see all the information filled at time of registration.
  2. User will finish the process by verifying the details and select “Click here to continue”

Step 10:Post clicking on submit, the system will direct the user to the Login page, where user will fill its KID as User ID and Password to login and redirected to Athlete Dashboard.

Forgot User ID/KID:

1. For retrieving User ID/KID, needs to click on tab “Forgot User ID” below the tab Login.

2. The system will direct the user to a new page to enter the Registered Mobile No

3. After entering the registered Mobile No., click on “Click to Generate OTP”.

4. After filling the OTP, click ““Confirm OTP”. Further, if the user didn’t received the OTP, User can Resend the OTP again by clicking “Resend Again” option.

5. After successful OTP verification, all the KIDs associated to the linked mobile no. will be tabulated and the user may note down the various User IDs associated with the mobile number choose “Click to Login”.

Forgot Password:

1. If any user knew KID and Forgets password for login, needs to click on “Forgot Password” option.

2. The system will direct the user to a new page to enter the Registered Mobile No./Email Address/KID.

3. After entering the registered Mobile No./Email Address/KID, click on “Submit”. Further, it is to inform that if any user has registered single mobile no. to more than one account on NSRS, the mobile no. won’t work for resetting the password. Accordingly, the user is required to enter KID or email Address as KID and email address are unique entity used for resetting the password.

4. After submitting, portal will ask the user to recover password using Mobile No. or Email Address by providing check box facility to choose the option or user may chose both the option i.e. “OTP on Mobile” and “OTP on Email”. Click on “Continue” option to enter OTP received and Submit.

5. After submitting, the user can create new password by entering password and click on “Submit”.

6. After clicking on Submit, a dialogue box will appear namely “ Password updated successfully ”. Now choose “Click to Login” option, it will redirect user to Login page to login the account using new password and User ID.

Reset Password:

1. If the user is logged into the NSRS account, and the user wants to reset the password, click on the Name of the User mentioned at the top right corner of the Screen and choose “Reset Password” option

2. A dialogue box will appear, where the user is required to enter Old Password along with the New Password. After entering both the passwords, click on “ Reset Password ”.

3. A new dialogue box will appear namely “ Password updated successfully ”. Choose “ Click here to Login ” option, it will redirect the user to Login page of NSRS portal and user can login with the new password generated.